Category Archives for "Cats"

How to Take Care of a Cat

Catis considered to be World’s most favorite pet. To maintain a healthy life of cat we should follow these simple steps because a good looking pet will look attractive and gives you a sense a pleasure. Some people are fond of cats but do not know how to take care of their asset. This guide […]

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Do Cat Drink Water?

Water, however, is as vital to a cat’s survival. 60-70% of their weight is water. Despite being good for them, many cats don’t like beverage, especially if it’s still or standing water. This dislike for water can cause a dehydrated cat, so it’s important to watch your cat’s water intake. Why is Proper Hydration Important for Cats? […]

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Daily Care for Your Cat

Owning a cat comes with some responsibilities. These beautiful creatures can’t take care of themselves, they need proper care and attention if they are to remain healthy and happy. Proper grooming is very important for your cat as it keeps him in proper shape.  Some cats love the grooming process while others detest it. If […]

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Benefits of Grooming Your Cat

benefits of cat grooming

If you own a cat with long hair, I bet you know the importance of daily grooming for your cat. Cats with long coats of hair require regular grooming as they are more likely to be tangled. Even a cat with short hair requires frequent grooming to prevent her from ingesting her own hair when […]

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3 Benefits of Pet Grooming At Home

3 Benefits of Pet Grooming At Home

Grooming your pet is important to the well-being and health of your favourite friend at home. So, pet grooming should be viewed as a necessary process of your favourite pet’s growth. If you have a cat at home, we recommend grooming him at least once a month to keep him look good. And it is […]

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